corneal collagen cross linking
- IT is the procedure to strengthen the weak cornea
-Commonly done for keratoconus ( also has other indications)

What is C3R?
Also known as corneal collagen cross linking.
-Major portion of human cornea is made up of collagen fibres which together maintain the rigidity and transparency of cornea
- However in diseases such as keratoconus, the structural strength of cornea is drastically reduced
- By forming the bonds (cross linking) between the lamella ( strands) of collagen ,structural strength of cornea can be increased
How is it done ? Will it be painful ?
-The surgery is done under topical anaesthesia. That is NO INJECTIONS!!
-After cleaning the eyes riboflavin solution is illuminated with UV rays over the eyes
-AT OUR CENTER WE use the modern state of art INTACS XL machine for C3R
-Surgical time is limited to about half an hour or 30 minutes
-No stitches are involved
- Although there is no pain, mild discomfort may be expected during the surgery
Does it involve hospitalisation ?
Its a day care procedure. The individual can leave the hospital immediately after the surgery
- No eye patches are required
How early can i get back to work?
It depends upon individuals comfort level after the surgery. The lifestyle of the patient is least disturbed by the surgery
Will my glass numbers return back to normal after the surgery?
The intention of the surgery is only to stop the progression. However as an effect the cylindrical component of the number ( the so called " cross number" ) can reduce.
Is C3R 100% effective in preventing future recurrences?
NO. Progression of keratoconus can still occur despite properly conducted procedure BUT that happens in a few minority of patients
My vision is still foggy after C3R procedure
The haziness or fogginess occurs typically immediately after the procedure however it wears off after few weeks of surgery
-The best vision can be achieved either by glasses or in majority of cases, contact lenses.